Can I cancel at any time?
Please provide at least 24 hours before your student will not be attending tutoring due to an illness, vacation, extracurricular activity, etc. Make-up tutoring sessions will be made available for your student with appropriate 24-hour notification.
No refund will be given to a missed session without 24-hour notice, as we are reserving that time for your student and cannot schedule another student in that short time.
Some illnesses such as the stomach flu or a high fever can cause sudden cancellations. If a sudden cancellation is due to an illness such as these, the 24-hour notification will be waived and you will not be charged for the session. When a student has been absent due to illness, he/she should not return to in person tutoring until he/she has been without a fever for at least 24 hours.
In the event that your tutor is ill, you will be notified as soon as possible to arrange for a make-up tutoring session.
If a student cancels more than 3 times in a semester, you will be contacted to determine if tutoring is a good fit for the family. Tutoring students at this point can opt for “as-needed” tutoring instead of paying to hold a weekly slot.